Accurate age estimation is of utmost importance in several branches of life, be it disaster victim identification (DVI), sports, fashion, education, and many more. Several studies/formulas have been proposed over the years from various parts of the world and amongst them, Cameriere's method of age estimation is now being accepted globally, and the related work is still one of the most thought about.
The aim of this study was to access the relationship between dental age (DA) and chronological age using Cameriere and Demirjian age estimation method in the north Indian population and develop a population-specific regression formula and validate it in the north Indian population.
Materials and Methods:
Orthopantomograms (OPG) of 762 children of north India with age groups between 7 and 16 years were collected. Seven left permanent mandibular teeth were analyzed using both Cameriere and Demirjian's age estimation method. The resultant data were subjected to statistical analysis.
The mean differences between CAge and DAge with age were 1.21 (males), 0.14 (males) and 1.72 (females), 0.28 (females) respectively, which shows significant disparity, wherein Demirjian follows overestimation and Cameriere follows the underestimation trend. Therefore, we modified these methods using the linear regression model.
The modified Demirjian and Cameriere formula after validation shows a better fit in the north Indian state of the Uttar Pradesh population.