Human chemical exposures resulting from transfer of surface deposition on indoor nylon carpets may be estimated by measuring transferable residues (mu g chemical/cm2 carpet). A weighted roller developed at California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has been extensively used to sample transferable residue for estimates of human exposure in risk characterization. A modified roller has been developed to evaluate the influence of pressure on transferable chemical residue since weight and force (or pressure, kg/m2) may vary person-to-person and activity-to-activity. A 30.5 cm diameter roller was used to apply 60 to 2100 kg/m2 to bracket pressures exerted by humans on a flat nylon-carpeted surface. Measurements of transferable cyfluthrin residues were made after 1, 7, and 21 days. Total Soxhlet extractable cyfluthrin residues were relatively constant during the test period. Residue transferability decreased during the study period. Modest increases in the transferability of surface residues were observed over the broad range of pressures applied by the modified roller.