The field-free spin–orbit torque induced 180° reorientation of magnetization is beneficial for the high performance magnetic memory. The antiferromagnetic material (AFM) can provide a higher operation speed than the ferromagnetic counterpart. In this paper, we propose a trilayer AFM/insulator/heavy metal structure as the AFM memory device. We show that the field-free switching of the AFM with a perpendicular Néel vector can be achieved by using two orthogonal currents, which provide a uniform damping-like torque and uniform field-like torque, respectively. The reversible switching can be obtained by reversing either current. A current density of 1.79 × 1011 A/m2 is sufficient to induce the switching. In addition, the two magnetic moments become noncollinear during switching. This enables an ultrafast switching within 40 ps. The device and switching mechanism proposed in this work offer a promising approach to deterministically switch the AFM with the perpendicular Néel vector. It can also stimulate the development of an ultrafast AFM-based MRAM.