This research work aims to determine the most earthquake-resistant and cost-effective structural model for housing construction in Ecuador. Currently, the prevalent construction method in the country involves reinforced concrete frames, which may not provide sufficient protection against seismic activity. To address this issue, the conventional method of reinforced concrete frames is compared within the reinforced concrete walls. This research work will focus on four houses of varying dimensions, up to two levels in height, adhering to the guidelines outlined in the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC). To assess the structural integrity, SAP 2000 is used which will enable a comparison of drifts and displacements as the basal shear progressively increases to the ultimate capacity limit for each house. Additionally, an economic analysis is conducted by preparing a budget for the superstructure of each house using both construction methods. The objective is to identify the most accessible and affordable option for the community while eliminating the least viable choice. By conducting this comparative analysis, the aim is to provide a technical and economic conclusion regarding the optimal structural model for earthquake-resistant housing in Ecuador. This information will be valuable for future housing developments and contribute to the safety and well-being of the community.