“…IndexIndexPhenyl radical from polystyrene,208 Phillips catalyzers, ESR studies, 170 Photoelectric process, definition,S Photochemical reactions, definition, 3 Photochemical research, definition, 3 Polymerization, ESR studies anionic, 147-161 cationic, 162-166 initiated by Lewis acids, 166 in clathrates, 71 heterogeneous chain growth, 167 -172 homogeneous chain growth, 61-166 initiated by clays, 171 mechanoradicals, 116 molecular sieves, 172 silica gel, 171 ionic in organic glass matrices, 88-100 ionizing, 62-100 by metal complexes, 171 Phillips catalyzer, 170 photo-induced cationic, 165 photo polymerization, 100 photosensitized, 101 popcorn, 115 by redox systems, 122-147 in solid state, 62-85 408 thermal, 113 various free radical systems, 117 Ziegler-Natta catalyzer, 168-169 Polymerization of monomers, ESR studies, Poly(tetrazin) radicals, 336 Poly(verdazyl) radicals, 331 Poly(vinyl cinnamate), ESR study of crosslinking of, 293 Post-contact method, 116 Preionization state, definition, 6 Proton, definition, 7 Pyridil radical, 220 Pyridinyl radical, 220 Pyrolysis of polymers, ESR studies, 343 Quinones, ESR studies, 107 Radiation chemistry, definition,S Rotational correlation time (r), 295, 297 J3-Scission process, 2 Semiconductors (polymeric), ESR studies, 340 Semiquinone anion, 107 Semiquinone radical, 107 Simultaneous fracture method, 116 Singlet oxygen, ESR spectrum, 249 Slow electron, interaction with matter, 6 Sohma model of fracture, 276 Spin angular moment of a nucleus, Spin-labelling technique, 305 Spin-lattice interaction, 15 Spin-probe technique, 297 Spin quantum number of electron, 12 Spin relaxation, 14 Spin-spin interaction, 15 Spin-trapping technique, 301 Stable alkali metal complexes, 159 aromatic nitrile complexes, 159 ketyl complexes, 158 organic sulphur complexes, 159 polycyclic aromatic complexes, 158 polymerization initiated by, 158 pyridil complexes, 160 Stable polymer radicals, 312-345 poly(a,a' -diphenyl-J3-picrylhydrazyl), 324 poly(a,a'-diphenyl-p-xylene), 314 Tert-butyl hydro peroxide, ESR studies, 101 Tert-butyl peroxide, ESR studies, 101 Tert-butyl peresters, ESR studies, 105 Tert-butyl peroxy radical, 101 Trapped electrons in polyolefines, 198 Vinyl substituted radicals, 172 Vulcanization of rubber, ESR studies, 292 Width of ESR resonance line, Half width at half-height (<lH 1 /2), 18 Peak-to-peak width (<lHpp), 18…”