In recent years, many researchers have utilized metaheuristic optimization algorithms along with fuzzy logic theory in their studies for various purposes. The harmony search (HS) algorithm is one of the metaheuristic optimization algorithms that is widely employed in different studies along with fuzzy logic (FL) theory. FL theory is a mathematical approach to expressing uncertainty by applying the conceptualization of fuzziness in a system. This review paper presents an extensive review of published papers based on the combination of HS and FL systems. In this regard, the functional characteristics of models obtained from integration of FL and HS have been reported in various articles, and the performance of each study is investigated. The basic concept of the FL approach and its derived models are introduced to familiarize readers with the principal mechanisms of FL models. Moreover, appropriate descriptions of the primary classifications acquired from the coexistence of FL and HS methods for specific purposes are reviewed. The results show that the high efficiency of HS to improve the exploration of FL in achieving the optimal solution on the one hand, and the capability of fuzzy inference systems to provide more flexible and dynamic adaptation of the HS parameters based on human perception on the other hand, can be a powerful combination for solving optimization problems. This review paper is believed to be a useful resource for students, engineers, and professionals.