“…0.01M H 2 SO 4 + 20 ppm KSCN, deaerated, RT, 0.5 mV/s[47] applied to Ni75Cr16Fe8 alloy; • 0.5M H 2 SO 4 + 0.01M KSCN[55] applied to Cr18Ni10 steel; • 0.5M H 2 SO 4 + 0.01M KSCN, 25'C, at 100 mV/min. applied to Cr18Ni12Mo2N[32] and Cr18Ni9Ti[38] steels; • 0.5M H 2 SO 4 + 0.01M KSCN, 26'C[33] applied to Cr18Ni10 and Cr17Ni10Mo steels; same conditions (deaerated solution) applied to Cr19Ni10 steel[26]; • 0.5M H 2 SO 4 + 0.01M KSCN, deaerated, 6 V/h[35] applied to Cr17Ni10Mo2N steel; • 0.5M H 2 SO 4 + 0.01M KSCN, RT, 0.1 mV/s [42] applied to Cr20Ni11Mo2 weld metal; • 0.5M H 2 SO 4 + 0.01M NH 4 SCN, RT, 6 V/h [34] applied to grade Cr18Ni10Mo steel; • 0.01M H 2 SO 4 + 20 ppm KSCN, deaerated, RT, 0.5 mV/s [50] * applied to Ni74Cr16Fe9 alloy; • 33% H 2 SO 4 + % HCl variable from 0.2 to 0.5%, magnetic agitation, without deaeration, room temperature, 10 min. potential stabilization, starting and end potential &30 mV vs. E corr , vertex potential +560 mV vs. E corr , scan rate 0.5 mV/s [30] applied to Cr16Cr19Ni26Mo5Cu2 steel and Ni59Cr16Fe4Mo16W3 alloy; • 1N KOH, deaerated (nitrogen-purged), 0.2 mV/s [36] applied to Cr24Ni15N steel.…”