We investigated the relative coverage of an alcohol adsorbed on a hydrogen terminated Si (H-terminated Si) surface by angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS). We found that both Si 2p (103.3 eV; Si-O) and O 1s (532.5 eV; Si-O) spectra increased in the order of IPA < ethanol < methanol through all takeoff angles, and both spectra increased as the takeoff angle decreased in these alcohol treatments. The H-terminated Si surface was oxidized by coating these alcohols. In addition, the C 1s (284.6 eV; C-H or C-C/H) spectrum slightly increased in order of IPA < ethanol < methanol through all takeoff angles, and increased as the takeoff angle decreased. The relative coverage of alcohols adsorbed on the H-terminated Si and their water contact angles are discussed in greater detail.Wet cleans are increasingly being relied upon to maintain clean wafers despite an increasing number of processing steps in highvolume semiconductor manufacturing, which increases the risk of cross-contamination with subsequent loss of yield and device performance. Ever since wet cleaning tools were first used for RCA standard clean processes based on hot alkaline and acidic hydrogen peroxide solutions, 1 many challenges have been reported over the years in improving the performance of wet cleaning processes on metal impurities, 2-13 particles, 14-22 and organic molecule (contamination) removal 23-26 from Si wafer surfaces. One cause of organic contamination is the long exposure time of the cleaned wafers in the clean room environment, wafer box, standard mechanical inter face (SMIF) or front opening unified pod (FOUP). In addition, 2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol; IPA), which is used during the final drying step of the cleaning processes, may also become a possible source of the contamination since IPA remains on the wafer surface and adsorbs to adsorption sites. The adsorption of alcohols on the Si surface has been reported. 27-30 Thus, it is important to determine whether they uniformly adsorb on the surface or not, because device performance may be affected by the adsorption state. After cleaning a Si wafer, there are two types of surface conditions; one is a hydrogen terminated Si (H-terminated Si) surface, and the other is a chemically oxidized Si (chemical SiO 2 ) surface. We previously reported that the relative coverage of an alcohol adsorbed on silicon dioxide (SiO 2 ) film by angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS). 31 Both Si 2p (103.3 eV; Si-O) and O 1s (532.5 eV; Si-O) spectra decreased in the order of IPA > ethanol > methanol through all takeoff angles. In addition, both spectra decreased as the takeoff angle decreased in these alcohol treatments. The C 1s (284.6 eV; C-H or C-C/H) spectrum increased in order of IPA < ethanol < methanol through all takeoff angles, and increased as the takeoff angle decreased. Based on these findings, we concluded the following: first, methyl groups sufficiently cover the SiO 2 surface, but ethyl and propyl groups do not. Second, the adsorption sites (OH: polar groups) ...