The development of the neuraminidase inhibitors has revolutionized the management options for in£u-enza. Zanamivir was the ¢rst such inhibitor to be approved for the treatment of in£uenza in humans. It is delivered by inhalation to the respiratory tract, which is the site of viral replication, in order to ensure immediate antiviral activity. Early treatment with zanamivir in clinical trials rapidly reduced the severity and duration of in£uenza symptoms and associated complications. Furthermore, chemoprophylaxis with zanamivir was shown to be e¡ective in the prevention of in£uenza illness. To date, there is no evidence for the emergence of clinically signi¢cant zanamivir-resistant isolates. In conclusion, zanamivir o¡ers a useful complementary strategy to vaccination in the e¡ective management of in£uenza.