Phenolic compounds such as pentachlorophenol (PCP), triclosan, and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) represent a common class of anthropogenic biocides. Despite the novelty of these compounds, many can be degraded by microbes isolated from contaminated sites. However, degradation of this class of chemicals often generates toxic intermediates, which may contribute to their recalcitrance to biodegradation. We have addressed the stresses associated with degradation of PCP by Sphingobium chlorophenolicum by examining the transcriptional response after PCP exposure and identifying genes necessary for growth during both exposure to and degradation of PCP. This work identifies some of the mechanisms that protect cells from this toxic compound and facilitate its degradation. This information could be used to engineer strains capable of improved biodegradation of PCP or similar phenolic pollutants.