NB (Medipharm Inc, Kågeröd, Sweden), which contained Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactococcus lactis, cellulase and sodium benzoate, was applied at 200 000 colony-forming units g −1 herbage, and both applications were compared to untreated silage. Unwilted herbage, chopped at 12 mm length, was ensiled in 4-L laboratory silos for 90 days. Barley had more starch whereas triticale had more sugar and crude protein but less neutral detergent fibre than other species (P < 0.001). Barley and triticale had less acid detergent fibre and lignin but greater in vitro organic matter (OM) digestibility than oats and spring wheat (P < 0.0001). Averaged over maturity stages, wheat had a greater yield of digestible OM than barley and oats (P < 0.0001). Yield of digestible OM and concentration of starch increased whereas sugar concentration decreased with later maturity stage (P < 0.0001). Late harvest increased the risks for high levels of butyric acid in silage when no additives were used (P = 0.002). Additives resulted in increased lactic:acetic acid ratios but decreased protein degradation and DM losses (P < 0.0001). Acid treatment was more effective than inoculation to degrade starch and to decrease protein degradation and DM losses during ensiling (P < 0.0001). Harvest at the early milk stage of maturity resulted in more lactic acid and a lower pH than harvest at the early dough stage of maturity (P < 0.0001). When considering both maximal yield of digestible organic matter and good silage quality, triticale, wheat or barley silage harvested at the early dough stage of maturity and ensiled with acid or inoculant is suggested.
2007 Society of Chemical IndustryKeywords: whole-crop silage; cereals; maturity stage; silage additive; chemical composition
INTRODUCTIONBarley and oat silages can result in higher dry-matter (DM) intake and average daily gain in heifers than triticale silage when harvested at milk to soft dough stage of maturities.1 Dairy cows fed barley silage have higher intake than cows fed oat silage when harvested at the early to mid-dough stage of maturity.2,3 These differences in intake depend on variations in chemical composition and in the ear:stalk ratio of whole-crop cereals. Barley contains more starch than oat and triticale because of its higher ear:stalk ratio.2,4 Because most of the fibres are found in the stem of the plant,