This paper introduces a multi-perspective approach to deal with curation and
exploration issues in historical newspapers. It has been implemented in the
platform LACLICHEV (Latin American Climate Change Evolution platform).
Exploring the history of climate change through digitalized newspapers
published around two centuries ago introduces four challenges: (1) curating
content for tracking entries describing meteorological events; (2) processing
(digging into) colloquial language (and its geographic variations5) for
extracting meteorological events; (3) analyzing newspapers to discover
meteorological patterns possibly associated with climate change; (4)
designing tools for exploring the extracted content. LACLICHEV provides tools
for curating, exploring, and analyzing historical news paper articles, their
description and location, and the vocabularies used for referring to
meteorological events. This platform makes it possible to understand and
identify possible patterns and models that can build an empirical and social
view of the history of climate change in the Latin American region.