A new equivalent map projection called the parallels plane projection is proposed in this paper. The transverse axis of the parallels plane projection is the expansion of the equator and its vertical axis equals half the length of the central meridian. On the parallels plane projection, meridians are projected as sine curves and parallels are a series of straight, parallel lines. No distortion of length occurs along the central meridian or on any parallels of this projection. Angular distortion and the proportion of length along meridians (except the central meridian) introduced by the projection transformation increase with increasing longitude and latitude. A potential application of the parallels plane projection is that it can provide an efficient projection transformation for global discrete grid systems. map projection, parallels plane projection, projection distortionThe primary purpose of map projection is to build a mathematical transformation relationship between the earth ellipsoid and the map plane [1] . Any map projection, however, cannot avoid length, angular and shape distortion completely because the earth ellipsoid is a non-developable surface. We can control projection distortion errors to meet the needs of certain studies and applications by choosing different projection methods such as azimuthal, cylindrical and conic projections [1] .Recently, the global discrete grid system has been proposed as a representation approach to spatial objects [2][3][4][5][6] . The global grid system consists of a set of approximately congruent and regular polygons that subdivide the earth's spherical surface into a hierarchical structure. This method has many potential applications in large-scale spatial data management and earth surface processing simulations [6,7] . Equivalent map projections (the Lambert and Snyder projection, for example) are widely employed in the global discrete grid system for modeling demands [3] . However, a significant limitation of these systems is that spatial expression accuracy and data quality do not meet the requirements of some applications because grids are defined with reference to the earth sphere, not the earth ellipsoid [3,8] . Therefore, we propose a new partition method without dependence on auxiliary platonic polyhedrons for the global discrete grid system and referenced to the earth ellipsoid [8] . In our partition method, grid resolution can be selected arbitrarily according to the arc length of meridians and parallels. A detailed description of this method can be found in Ma's dissertation [8] . In order to show these discrete girds on a two-dimension plane, a new projection is needed, conforming to the following characteristics:(1) the projection is equal-area and (2) no length distortion occurs along parallels and central meridians. We called this new projection the parallels plane projection. The primary objectives of this paper are to build such a projection and analyze its geometric features.