204t. nikolaus and p. scholze t. nikolaus and p. scholze the analogy between TC and syntomic cohomology has been known, and pursued for example by Kaledin,[57],[58]; see also at the end of the introduction of [13] for an early suggestion of such a relation. As explained to us by Kaledin, our main theorem is closely related to his results relating cyclotomic complexes and filtered Dieudonné modules.By Theorem 1.4, the information stored in the genuine cyclotomic spectrum (THH(A), (Φ p ) p ) can be characterized explicitly. In order for this to be useful, however, we need to give a direct construction of this information. In other words, for A∈Alg E1 (Sp), we have to define directly a T/C p ∼ =T-equivariant Frobenius mapWe will give two discussions of this, first for associative algebras, and then indicate a much more direct construction for E ∞ -algebras.Let us discuss the associative case for simplicity for p=2. Note that, by definition, the source THH(A) is the realization of the cyclic spectrum