Delay discounting has been used as a measure of both self control and of value for a particular commodity. Two hundred sixty five college psychology students who self identified as being either a Democrat or a Republican completed a delaydiscounting task involving five different commodities (two monetary values, retirement income, Federal legislation, and medical treatment). Analyzing the area under the discounting curve, results showed that Democrats discounted all commodities to a greater extent than did Republicans. These results may suggest that Democrats are more apt than Republicans to prefer immediate results or that they value these commodities to a lesser degree than Republicans. Members of both parties, however, displayed similar changes in discounting across commodities, indicating a similar pattern of relative values. KEYWORDS: Democrats, Republicans, delay discounting, college students Within behavioral psychology, self control refers to choosing a larger amount of some positive outcome that will be available in the future rather than accepting a lesser amount of that outcome that is available more immediately (e.g., see Logue, 1995, for a review).2 Determining when an individual will switch from waiting for the larger outcome to preferring a smaller, but more immediate outcome has developed into a large literature on the topic of delay discounting (see Madden & Bickel, 2010, for a recent review). Interest in self control (and delay discounting) has grown over the decades for several reasons. For one, research suggests that children's ability to display this behavior is predictive of positive life outcomes (Mischel, Shoda, & Rodriquez, 1989). Next, how 1 The author thanks Heather K. Terrell for her assistance in data collection and Adam Derenne for his assistance with data analysis. Correspondence pertaining to this paper can be addressed to Jeffrey N. Weatherly, Department of Psychology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8380 (Email: 2 Likewise, for aversive events, self control would be defined as choosing a smaller, more immediate unpleasant consequence rather than waiting for a more delayed, but larger, unpleasant consequence.