To the Editor:Hepcidin-25, a liver-produced peptide hormone, was initially isolated from human urine and blood ultrafiltrate. Hepcidin-25 is thought to be the central regulator of iron metabolism (1 ). Iron deficiency is associated with low hepcidin-25 concentrations and anemia of chronic disease with high concentrations, but the true diagnostic value of hepcidin-25 is still under investigation. A recently published review (2 ) stated that only semiquantitative methods for comparative studies based on mass spectrometry (MS) have been used for the determination of hepcidin in serum and urine.Isotope-dilution MS is generally accepted as yielding high analytical specificity and accuracy. We report an isotope-dilution-micro-HPLC-tandem MS (MS/MS) method that allows the quantification of hepcidin-25 present at less than nanomole-per-liter concentrations.During sample preparation, hepcidin-25 undergoes strong nonspecific binding to surfaces. A stable isotope-labeled internal standard helps to compensate for any matrix effects. Micro-HPLC-MS/MS with monolithic capillary columns ensures highest resolution and limits of quantification (3 ).Native hepcidin-25 (M r 2789) was purchased from Bachem AG. Blood samples were collected and anonymized in-house according to the Roche Diagnostics policy, and informed consent was obtained from all sample donors; results were not used for regulatory purposes.Calibrators with concentrations of 0.1-100.0 nmol/L were prepared from hepcidin-25. For sample preparation we added 5 L concentrated formic acid and 50 L internal standard solution (1450 nmol/L in water, 0.04% acetic acid) to 45 L human serum or calibrator. Samples were ultrafiltered with a Microcon Ultracel YM-10 filter (Millipore). The flow-through was transferred into HPLC vials. A Thermo Electron Quantum-Ultra triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer, Dionex Ultimate 3000 micro-HPLC, and PS-DVB Monolithic 200-m internal diameter ϫ 5 cm column (P/N 161409) were used for online micro-HPLC-MS/MS. A 2-L sample was injected. The mobile phases were (eleunt A) 1% formic acid/0.025% trifluoroacetic acid in water and (eleunt B) 1% formic acid/0.025% trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile, flow rate 3 L/min, with a linear gradient from 0% to 80% eleunt B during 7 min and then held at 80% eleunt B until minute 11.We used microelectrospray ionization in the positive mode; recorded selected reaction-monitoring transitions were m/z 930.83 1145.5 and m/z 935.531152.6, collision energy 33 V, and argon collision gas 2.0 mTorr. Carryover was excluded by blank injections. Samples were kept in long-term storage at Ϫ80°C and were stable for at least 2 days at 6°C. Processed samples were stable for 48 h at 6°C. We observed no ion suppression attributable to changing elution conditions and monitoring-signal intensities; postcolumn infusion ex-