A comparative analysis of the performance of ARM server processors used on supercomputers or also aimed at high-performance computing (HPC) is given. Fujitsu A64FX, Marvell ThunderX2 and Huawei Kunpeng 920 were selected for the initial performance analysis. The HPC performance review focuses primarily on benchmarks and applications for the A64FX, which supports longer vectors than other ARM processors and has higher peak performance. The performance of the A64FX is compared against corresponding data for Intel Xeon Skylake and Cascade Lake, and AMD EPYC with Zen 2 and 3 (Roma and Milan), as well as Nvidia V100 and A100 GPUs. A short set of potential pros and cons of the A64FX microarchitecture has been formulated. Comparison of performance data obtained using different compilers for A64FX. Features have been formed when A64FX usually gives advantages in performance over x86-64, and when it concedes to x86-64.
It is clear that the use of A64FX in supercomputers can grow further. There is an assumption that x86-64 hegemony in HPC will decrease, in particular, due to the increased use of server ARM processors. But the analysis of A64FX and new AArch64 processors expected in the near future showed that A64FX will not necessarily lead in this process.