Abstract-Computer network is supported by network security, network security is facing a lot of problem in real world. The proposed authentication security system supports to avoid database hacking and spoof matching process of web-based network. The proposed security system combines the usage of both fingerprint biometrics and pin-number. The fingerprint biometrics includes the modules such as ridge enhancement, feature extraction, core detection and baseline matching. Applied biometric cryptosystem supports to save the fingerprint feature values and user mobile numbers as an encrypted format in the database. So the hackers can't steal the real feature database values. Corrupting the device through the masking techniques can be avoided using the multi security system. If hackers use masking image modal against database fingerprint feature value, it will give the matching ratio in between 80% to 90%. At that time a random pin will be generated and send to the registered mobile number, so the unauthenticated person can't access the device, at the same time the authenticated persons can login using the corresponding pin number. In the cloud network, the public cloud processes the encrypted database handling and the private cloud handles the decryption and the biometrics verification process. This multi modal authentication system surely increases the network security. This security system can be used in ATM, e-commerce website security and cloud network security.