In a unique supervisory arrangement, pre-doctoral psychology interns supervise master's level social work interns in a university counseling center setting. A supervision of supervision group (SOS group), which is conjointly led by a psychology intern supervisor and the social work intern supervisor, monitors and advances the professional development of the supervisors-in-training (s-i-ts) and indirectly facilitates the professional growth of the social work supervisees. The most dynamic aspect of the SOS group is the ''live'' supervision of the in vivo encounter between the psychology intern and social work supervisee. The identification of repetitive themes occurring in the therapeutic, supervisory, and supervision-ofsupervision systems (parallel processes) provide the foundation for the development of interventions that disrupt rigid patterns.We would like to thank all of the current and previous psychology and social work interns who have helped shape the live supervision of supervision process.The interface of the therapeutic, supervisory, and SOS systems offer interventions that promote the growth and development of the psychology and social work interns. This approach is illustrated through theoretical discussion, methodological description, and case vignettes.