Ad hoc sensor network is characterized by decentralized structure and ad hoc deployment. Sensor networks have all basic features of ad hoc network except different degrees such as lower mobility and more stringent energy requirements. Existing protocols provide different tradeoffs among some desirable characteristics such as fault tolerance, distributed computation, robustness, scalability and reliability. wireless protocols suggested so far are very limited, generally focusing on communication to a single base station or on aggregating sensor data. The main reason having such restrictions is due to maximum lifetime to maintain network activities. The network lifetime is an important design metric in ad hoc networks. Since every node does a router role, it is not possible for other nodes to communicate with each other if some nodes do not work due to energy lack. In this paper, we suggest an experimental ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol to optimize the communication of energy of the network nodes.The load distribution avoids the choice of exhausted nodes at the route selection phase, thus balances the use of energy among nodes and maximizing the network lifetime. In transmission control phase, there is a balance between the choice of a high transmission power that lead to increase in the range of signal transmission thus reducing the number of hops and lower power levels that reduces the interference on the expense of network connectivity. advance the scalability of wireless ad hoc networks compared to wireless managed networks [9] . Ad hoc networks can have minimal configuration and quick deployment in case of emergency situations such as natural disasters or military conflicts. The presence of adaptive routing protocols makes ad hoc networks to be formed quickly. Wireless ad-hoc networks can be classified as mobile ad-hoc network, wireless mesh network and wireless sensor network [14] . The mobile ad-hoc Network has a self-configuring structure of mobile devices connected by wireless links. Each device moves independently in anyway, and changes its links to other devices frequently [11] . It forwards traffic unrelated to its own use, and therefore is a router. The primary issue of the mobile ad-hoc Network is to equip each device to maintain the information needed to properly route traffic. Such network operates by itself or is connected to the larger network. The mobile ad-hoc network is a kind of wireless ad hoc networks that has a routable network on top of a link layer.Wireless 802.11/Wi-Fi network has made the mobile ad-hoc networks a popular research field. Different protocols have been evaluated based on measure such as the packet drop rate, the overhead by the routing protocol, end-to-end packet delays and network throughput [10][12] . The wireless mesh network is regarded as a special type of wireless ad-hoc network.It is a communications network consisted of radio nodes with a mesh topology. It often consists of mesh clients, mesh routers and gateways. The mesh clients are ...