Estimation of coastal ecosystem parameters (chlorophyll-a concentration, water clarity, sea surface temperature) of Eastern Lesvos, Greece, using LANDSAT TM data is evaluated. During 4 satellite overpasses, in-situ water samples were collected and analyzed using océanographie methods. Four Landsat -TM mini scenes for these dates were purchased. Sampling sites position was determined by photogrammetry. Algorithms to predict chlorophyll-a concentration, Secchi disk depth and sea surface temperature from satellite data were derived through statistical processing of sea and satellite data. Applying these algorithms to satellite images thematic maps showing the spatial distribution of these parameters were produced.Atmospheric correction methods, various predictive algorithms, optimizing methods of the results and destriping methods were investigated, evaluated and selected.Mapping of chlorophyll-a concentration, water clarity and sea surface temperature with adequate accuracy using LANDSAT-TM data satisfactorily contributes-ingathering information for the coastal marine environment.