I General aspects I. Large N and large D expansions A. The nature of the large D limit B. Organization of this review Outline II. The large D geometry of stationary black holes A. Near and far zones B. Universality C. Strings near the horizon? III. Decoupled and non-decoupled dynamics of large D black holes A. Quasinormal spectrum B. Qualitative features from the radial potential C. Non-decoupled modes D. Decoupled modes E. Cosmological constant and rotation F. Asymptotic non-convergence of the expansion IV. Effective theories of black holes at large D A. Aspects of effective theories of black hole dynamics B. Hydro Review C. Large D vs. AdS/CFT decoupling and Fluid/Gravity D. The large D effective membrane theory 1. The membrane equations 2. Playing with soap bubbles 3. Fluid stress-energy, entropy, action, and coupling to radiation 4. Extensions 5. Limitations 6. Membrane paradigms E. Effective theory for black branes 1. Black brane equations 2. Extensions 3. Black holes as blobs on a brane II Applications V. The Gregory-Laflamme instability at large D Further Extensions VI. Black hole collisions and mergers A. General aspects B. Cosmic censorsip violation in black hole collisions VII. Holographic applications A. Holographic Hydrodynamics B. AdS/CMT Breaking Translation Symmetry Holographic Superconductor C. AdS/QCD Bjorken Flow Small Black Holes III Other directions VIII. Quantum black holes, quantum gravity and strings A. Large D limit of Hawking radiation B. Large D matrix models C. Large D entanglement D. Large D strings IX. Higher-derivative gravity X. Beyond decoupling A. Non-decoupled waves and hair B. Short-scale structure, singularities, and topology change C. Critical collapse and Choptuik scaling XI. Gravitational radiation A. Shockwave collisions B. An effective theory of gravitational waves?24 This is the uniform black brane case of (4.47) and (4.49) with constant m = r n 0 and p i = 0 (and ρ → r, σ i /