Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is disaster in human reproduction. It is one of the most important causes of death during 1 st trimester of pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is more threatening for women than normal vaginal delivery and induced abortion 2 . Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can reduce the risk of maternal mortality and morbidity related to ectopic pregnancy 3 . If not diagnosed and treated expediously it may also take the life of the mother or at the very least, compromise her future ability to reproduce. Although it has been recognized for over 400 years, ectopic pregnancy continues to be an ever increasing affliction, affecting approximately 2% of all pregnancies 4 . The rising incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the past 25 years has been attributed to a number of factors like tubal surgery and tubal ligation, previous ectopic pregnancy, IUCD use, tubal pathology, morning after pill, assisted reproductive technique(ART), salpingitis, genital tract infection and the treatment has progressed from salpingectomy by laparotomy to conservative surgery by laparoscopy and more recently to medical therapy 5,6 . With
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