(normal value in our laboratory < 210 U I-) in relation to serum gamma glutamyltranspeptidase level above 100 IU I-(normal value in our laboratory < 32 U 1'), or liver-specific alkaline phosphatase elevated. In addition to these jaundiced or cholestatic patients the following patients were included: patients with a history of two or more episodes of acute pancreatitis, patients who had continuous or recurring abdominal pain with raised serum or urine amylase levels measured at least three times, patients who had been suspected to have a pancreatic tumour or chronic pancreatitis in ultrasound or computed, tomography examination. Exclusion criteria were: age less than 15 years, pregnancy, jaundice developing in the intensive care unit, a history of recent heart surgery, insufficient cooperation, acute alcoholic pancreatitis, disseminated malignancy, parenchymal liver disease diagnosed within 2 days of admission, need for emergency surgery. One hundred and ninety-three patients were included altogether. The patients have been previously described in detail (Pasanen et al., 1992). There were altogether 24 patients with the final diagnosis of carcinoma of the head of the pancreas and two patients with the diagnosis of carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater.
MethodsClinical assessment, laboratory tests, and imaging methods (ultrasound, computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography) were performed as previously decribed (Pasanen et al., 1992). In addition, liver biopsy was obtained or secretin-cerulein test was performed if hepatocellular disease or chronic pancreatitis was suspected. All the patients involved in the study were scheduled for re-examination 6 months after entering the study, and the clinical data of the hospital records were reviewed retrospectively after a follow-up period of 2 years. The final diagnosis of a pancreatic cancer or cancer of the ampulla of Vater was based on histology in 16 cases, on cytology in three, on operative or endoscopic macroscopic morphologic findings in three, and on the imaging methods in four. The diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis was based on histology in seven cases, on cytology in one, on secretin-cerulein test in six, on the imaging methods in 14 and on clinical course of the disease in six.