Asking how instead of why': exploring inclusive approaches to teaching and learning through pupil and teacher responses to a school link projectb jsp_440 213..221
Eve GriffithsThe association of inclusive education with an equity discourse means that the question of 'how' to include is one currently faced by many teachers in the UK. Written by Eve Griffiths, who teaches English, literacy, media studies and drama in a special school in Wolverhampton, this article constructs a set of inclusive principles for teaching and learning and reports on pupil and teacher responses in mainstream and special schools to a three-week literacy project in which these approaches were implemented. Research diaries and small groupbased interviews were used in both educational settings to access the opinions of 20 pupils with a Statement of special educational needs. The research found that the pedagogical approaches were successful in breaking down some barriers to inclusion between the two groups of pupils, but Eve Griffiths concludes that significant changes would need to be brought about for there to be any longevity in the eradication of these obstructions.