The generalized uncertainty principles (GUP) and modified dispersion relations (MDR) are much like two faces for one coin in research for the phenomenology of quantum gravity which apparently plays an important role in estimating the possible modifications of the black hole thermodynamics and the Friedmann equations. We first reproduce the horizon area for different types of black holes and investigate the quantum corrections to Bekenstein-Hawking entropy (entropy-area law). Based on this, we study further thermodynamical quantities and accordingly the modified Friedmann equation in four-dimensional de Sitter-Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nördstrom and Garfinkle-HorowitzStrominger black holes. In doing this we applied various quantum gravity approaches. The MDR parameter relative to the GUP one is computed and the properties of the black holes are predicted. This should play an important role in estimating response of quantum gravity to the various metrictypes of black holes. We found a considerable change in the thermodynamics quantities. We find that the modified entropy of de-Sitter-Schwarzshild and Reissner-Nördstrom black holes starts to exist at a finite standard entropy. The Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger black hole shows a different entropic property. The modified specific heat due to GUP and MDR approaches vanishes at large standard specific heat, while the corrections due to GUP result in different behaviors. The specific heat of modified de-Sitter-Schwarzshild and Reissner-Nördstrom black holes seems to increase, especially at large standard specific heat. In the early case, the black hole cannot exchange heat with the surrounding space. Accordingly, we would predict black hole remnants which may be considered as candidates for dark matter.