Genetic linkage maps for two apricot cultivars have been constructed using AFLP, RAPD, RFLP and SSR markers in 81 F1 individuals from the cross 'Goldrich' x 'Valenciano'. This family segregated for resistance to 'plum pox virus' (PPV), the most-important virus affecting Prunus species. Of the 160 RAPD arbitrary primers screened a total of 44 were selected. Sixty one polymorphic RAPD markers were scored on the mapping population: 30 heterozygous in 'Goldrich', 19 heterozygous in 'Valenciano', segregating 1:1, and 12 markers heterozygous in both parents, segregating 3:1. A total of 33 and 19 RAPD markers were mapped on the 'Goldrich' and 'Valenciano' maps respectively. Forteen primer combinations were used for AFLPs and all of them detected polymorphism. Ninety five markers segregating 1:1 were identified, of which 62 were heterozygous in the female parent 'Goldrich' and 33 in the male parent 'Valenciano'. Forty five markers were present in both parents and segregated 3:1. A total of 82 and 48 AFLP markers were mapped on the 'Goldrich' and 'Valenciano' maps. Twelve RFLPs probes were screened in the population, resulting in five loci segregating in the family, one locus heterozygous for 'Valenciano' and four heterozygous for both, segregating 1:2:1. Of the 45 SSRs screened 17 segregated in the mapping family, resulting in seven loci heterozygous for the maternal parent and ten heterozygous for both, segregating 1:2:1 or 1:1:1:1. A total of 16 and 13 co-dominant markers were mapped in the female and male parent maps respectively. A total of 132 markers were placed into eight linkage groups on the 'Goldrich' map, defining 511 cM of the total map-length. The average distance between adjacent markers was 3.9 cM. A total of 80 markers were placed into seven linkage groups on the 'Valenciano' map, defining 467.2 cM of the total map-distance, with an average interval of 5.8 cM between adjacent markers. Thirty six marker loci heterozygous in both parents revealed straightforward homologies between five linkage groups in both maps. The sharka resistance trait mapped on linkage group 2. The region containing sharka resistance is flanked by two co-dominant markers that will be used for targeted SSR development employing a recently constructed complete apricot BAC library. SSRs tightly linked to sharka resistance will facilitate MAS in breeding for resistance in apricot.