Additional improvements for evaluation of flaw tolerance under pellet swelling loading are suggested. Additional characterization of the fracture toughness of High-Burnup (HBU) cladding is also suggested. This report fulfills the M4 milestone M4SF-21SR010203045, "Crack Opening in Breached Fuel" under Work Package Number SF-21SR01020304.1 The design initial pellet/clad gap of 0.107 mm is assumed to be closed through fuel burnup and pellet expansion therewith. The details for evaluation of pellet swelling with oxidation are provided in Appendix A to this present report.2 Above the critical crack length (crack instability length) determined by the fracture toughness KIC, crack propagation would occur unless there is crack arrest. Crack arrest would occur if crack loading conditions result in a fall of the applied stress intensity to KIa, the crack-arrest fracture toughness of the cladding.