of findings of centralization and formalization. . 145 Organizational structure and task routineness 145 Discussion and Conclusions 147 Notes 150 vi ALTERNATE DISSERTATION FORMAT This research plan is set within the alternate dissertation format. This format provides for the production of a series of papers, suitable for submission to professional journals, as a means of satisfying the requirements for the doctoral degree. With regard to the three papers in the dissertation, each focuses on a single topic, but addresses various facets of the overall research. Each paper is able to stand on its own merit, yet taken together they provide a comprehensive investigation of the research area. The advantage of such a format is that it allows the investigator to explore a broad range of related ideas using divergent research techniques and methods of analysis, thereby allowing for a wider analysis of the topic and providing for a more comprehensive learning experience for the student. The approach adopted in this dissertation is designed to make contributions to the sociological and organizational bodies of knowledge as well as making practical recommendations of potential benefit to policy makers in Zambia. In the following sections, the problem is defined, the research objectives are specified, and each of the three papers comprising the dissertation are outlined. hence improving the situation of the small-scale producer through providing support and/or services, be it through planning or the actual delivery of sevices. The Zambian Government organizations in the study included: the National Commission for Development Planning (NCDP), and its provincial counterpart, the Provincial Planning Unit, Central Province (PPU/CP), the Ministry of Decentralization, the Department of Agriculture, the Planning Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Development, the Department of Marketing and Cooperatives (DMC), and the Kabwe Rural and Serenje District Council Secretariats. The following parastatal organizations also participated: the National Agricultural Marketing Board (NAMBOARD), the Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO), the Zambia Cooperative Federation, Financial Services (ZCF/FS), the Agricultural Finance Company (AFC), and the Central Province Cooperative Marketing Union (CPCMU). Zambia Seed Company (ZAMSEED), a private Zambian company, also participated. Ward Development Committees in Chibale, Serenje District and in Chowa, Kabwe Rural District were also included in the network, as were local level primary cooperative societies in both areas. The non-Zambian participants included the British Overseas Development Administration's Integrated Rural Development Program, Serenje/Mpika/Chinsala (IRDP/SMC) and the Institute of Cultural Affairs, an American based private voluntary organization. Ward Development Committees (WDC) in Chowa and in Chibale were the only political organizations included in the sample of organizations.