“…The cats underwent a complete clinical examination, with a thorough history, retroviral status (SNAP Feline Immunodeficiency Virus/Feline Leukaemia Virus Combo Test, IDEXX Laboratories), two orthogonal thoracic radiographs, Baermann test and PCRs from faeces and pharyngeal swabs. Clinical scores (CS) and a radiographic scores (RS) were assessed for each cat, as previously described 10. For each clinical sign (ie, food intake, activity, cough, mucous membranes, rectal temperature, ocular and/or nasal discharge, respiratory rate, respiratory movements, auscultations) 0 to 2 points were assigned, and 0 to 3 points were assigned for each radiographic alteration (ie, bronchial, alveolar, nodular interstitial, reticular interstitial).…”