Damage to plasma facing components (PFC) due to high intense energy deposition during tokamak plasma instabilities is still considered one of the most serious and unresolved problem for the fusion reactors. Key plasma facing components as the divertor and the entire first wall during off-normal operations are generally subjected to high rate of deposition of energy, neutrons, and radiation leading generally to structural catastrophic failures including burnout of coolant tubes. The use of alumina nanofluids applied to future fusion reactors is proposed to, at least, mitigate some of the problems described providing better thermal performance during off-normal events. A 1D heat transfer model using the characteristics of alumina nanoparticles dispersed in common water is presented. Heat transfer of alumina nanofluid is modeled. Results obtained are critically compared with other well-known computer packages and experiments used to predict the coolant heat removal capabilities during longer quasi-steady state plasma instabilities events. Enhancements produced by the use of alumina nanoparticles are evident. Comparisons with both pure water and swirl tape inserts are carried out and critical heat flux (CHF) conditions are predicted showing good agreement with both published numerical and experimental data.