We apply a recently advocated simulation scheme that employs a local order-parameter pinning field to study quantum critical phenomena in the two-dimensional square-lattice bilayer quantum Heisenberg model. Using a world-line quantum Monte Carlo approach, we show that for this model, the pinning-field approach allows to locate the quantum critical point over a wide range of pinning-field strengths. However, the identification of the quantum critical scaling behavior is found to be hard since the pinning field introduces strong corrections to scaling. In order to further elucidate the scaling behavior in this situation, we also study an improved classical lattice model in the three-dimensional Ising universality class by means of Monte Carlo simulations on large lattice sizes, which allow us to employ refined finite-size scaling considerations. A renormalization group analysis exhibits the presence of an important crossover effect from the zero pinning-field to a critical adsorption fixed point. In line with field-theoretical results, we find that at the critical adsorption fixed point the shortdistance expansion of the order-parameter profile exhibits a new universal critical exponent. This result also implies the presence of slowly decaying scaling corrections, which we analyze in detail.