“…It is well known that the Rasch model, and IRT models in general, are not robust with respect to violations of the local item independence assumption. The inclusion of items with local item dependence (LID) may result in contaminated estimates of test reliability, person and item parameters, standard errors and equating coefficients, see, for instance, Yen (1984), Thissen, Steinberg and Mooney (1989), Sireci, Thissen and Wainer (1991), Yen (1993), Wainer and Thissen (1996), Lee, Kolen, Frisbie and Ankenmann (2001) and Tuerlinckx and De Boeck (2001). Next to this, some research has been devoted to the development of tests or indices for the detection of violations of the conditional independence assumption, see van den Wollenberg (1982), Rosenbaum (1984Rosenbaum ( , 1988, Yen (1984), Stout (1987Stout ( , 1990, Stout et al (1996), Chen and Thissen (1997), Douglas, Kim, Habing and Gao (1998) and Ip (2001).…”