MBCKB FRCA FFARCSI MRcv(UK) l~I-IlCa/vl(Anaes)To compare the analgesic efficacy and side effects of tramadol vs tramadol and droperidol for post-operative patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), Method: Randomised, double-blind study. Thirty-four patients undergoing elective colorectal or head and neck surgery were allocated to Group I (n = 18, PCA bolus I 0 mg tramadol ) or Group 2 (n = 16, PCA bolus I 0 mg trarnadol + 0. I mg droperidol). Anaesthesia was induced with fentanyl and thiopentone and maintained with O 2, N20 plus enflurane or isoflurane with iv morphine at doses decided bythe attending anaesthetists. Muscle relaxal~on was achieved with atracurium or vecuronium. Patients were observed four-hourly for pain using an I l-point verbal rating scale (VRS). Nausea and vomiting, and sedation were assessed using four-point scales post-operatively. V~I signs, request for rescue anti-emetic and analgesic, and overall satisfaction were recorded. ~ults: The mean nausea scores were lower in Group 2 (I.00 • 1,33 vs 0.06 • 0.25 at 0-8 hr, 1.22 _+ 1.93 vs 0.06 + 0.25 at 8-16 hr, P < 0.01; 0.81 • 1.68 vs 0 at 32-40 hr, P < 0.05; Group 1 vs Group 2). The vomiting scores were also lower (0.50 • 1.04 vs 0 at 0--8 hr, 0.67 __ 1.50 vs 0 at 8-16 hr, P < 0.05; Group I vs Group 2). Seven (3996) patients in Group I, but none in Group 2 requested rescue anti-emetic (P < 0.01). There were no differences in VRS, sedation score, overall satisfaction or vital signs. Conclusion: Tramadol and droperidol combination is superior to tramadol alone for post-operative PCA. It provides a similar quality of analgesia with less nausea and vomiting and without an increase in sedation.Objeclif: Comparer le tramadol seul avec rassodation tramadol-clropEndol sous l'aspect de l'efficadtE et des effets secondaires lorsque administr~s pour ranalgEsie postop&atoire autocorCw61Ee (PCA). M~hodes : l~tude alEatoire en double aveugle. Trente-quatre patients soumis ~ une chirurgie Elective colorectale ou cEphalo-cervicaie ont ErE assignEs au groupe I (n= 18, PCA avec tramadol I0 mg en bolus) ou au groupe 2 (n = 16, PCA avec t~-~lol I 0 rag+ drop&idol 0, I m 8 en bolus), l'anesthEsie induite au fentanyl et au thiopentone Etait maintenue avec OJN20 et enflurane ou isoflurane et morphine/v aux doses d&idEes par l'anesthEsiste en charge. La curadsation Etait rEalisEe avec de ratracudum ou du v&uronium. AprEs rintervention, la douleur a EtE cotEe aux quatre heures sur une ckhelle verbale simple (EVS) en onze points. Les nausEes les vomissements et la sedation ont EtE estimEs sur une &helle de quatre points. Les signes vitaux, les demandes d'anti&r~tiques et d'analgEsiques, et le degrE g~n&ai de satisfaction Etaient notes. Rksultalx = Les scores moyens de nausEe Etaient infEdeurs darts le groupe 2 (I ,00 _ 1,33 vs 0,06 • 0,25 ~ 0-8 h ; 1,22 _+_ 1,93 vs 0,06 • 0,25 ,~ 8-I 6 h, P < 0,01 ; 0,81 • 1,68 vs 0 ,~ 32-40 h. P < 0,05 ; groupe I vs groupe 2). Les scores de vomissement ~taient aussi infEdeurs (0,50 _• 1,04 vs 0 ~ 0-8 h, 0,67 + I ,S0 vs 0 ~ 8-16 h, P < 0,05, ...