Two pregrown inocula, pre-acclimated to acetate and propionate respectively and mainly composed of coccus, diplococcus-shaped Methanosarcina-like cells and a few filamentous Methanothrix-like cells, were used separately in batch experiments to investigate the effects of varied initial acetate or propionate concentrations on methanogenesis of mixed acetate and propionate substrate under controlled neutral pH and 35±1℃ conditions. The results indicated that acetate pregrown systems exhibited excellent and stable degradation potentials for acetate, with maximum specific substrate degradation rate (qmax) ranging from 1100 to 1900 mg/g-VSS/d when initial acetate and propionate less than 3300 mg/l and 750 mg/l, respectively. Under the same conditions, no distinctive difference in methane production was found for both pregrown systems, with the highest methane production rates of 107-117 ml/l-reactor/d and methane yields ranging from 0.31 to 0.36 l/g-COD removed. The average acetate and propionate degradation rates obtained were 66.7-307.2 and 3.8-86.0 mg/l-reactor/d and 26.7-265.7 and 5.8-92.0 mg/l-reactor/d for acetate pregrown and propionate pregrown systems, respectively, which were found to have some negative correlations with initial propionate/ acetate(P/A) ratio (0-3.0) and initial VFA load (165.7-436.1 mgCOD/l-reactor/d), respectively. It is still a challenge to maintain and control the effectiveness of propionate degradation in pregrown systems.