Airborne radar tracking in moving ground vehicle scenarios is impacted by sensor, target, and environmental dynamics. Moving targets can be assessed with 1-D High Range Resolution (HRR) Radar profiles with sufficient signal-to-noise (SNR) present which contain enough feature information to discern one target from another to help maintain track or to identify the vehicle. Typical radar clutter suppression algorithms developed for processing moving ground target data not only remove the surrounding clutter but also a portion of the target signature. Enhanced clutter suppression can be achieved using a multi-channel signal subspace (MSS) algorithm which preserves target features. In this paper, we exploit extra information from enhanced clutter suppression for automatic target recognition (ATR), present a gain comparison using displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) and MSS clutter suppressed HRR data, and generate confusion-matrix identification results. The results show that more channels for MSS increase ID over DCPA, result in a slightly noisier clutter suppressed image, and preserve more target features after clutter cancellation