Background and purpose: Since pain control in dental treatments, including root canal treatment, is challenging, and no study has measured the appropriate pattern of Anaheal Plus drug consumption in reducing pain after root canal treatment, in this study the appropriate pattern of taking Anaheal Plus drug in reducing pain after root canal treatment was evaluated.Materials and methods: The present study examined maxillary and mandibular molar teeth with irreversible pulpitis. Patients were divided into three groups: A) Anaheal Plus capsule; B) control; andEffEct of AnAhEAl Plus on PostEndodontic PAin C) ibuprofen. Teeth were treated in two sessions, pulpectomy treatment was performed and drugs were used between sessions. A visual analog scale questionnaire was used to assess pain. Patients were asked to record the pain score before the root canal treatment as well as eight hours, 48 hours and five days after root canal treatment. All procedures were done in Amol's private clinic, where root canal treatment was administered by a dentist, and the teeth were obturated after a week.Findings: This study examined 90 patients with an average age of 33.94 years. Rescue doses were reported only in the control group, and there was a significant difference between groups (p-value < 0.001). In all groups, pain had decreased significantly (p-value<0.001), but the average pain in groups A and C was lower than that of group B at all times, and there was no difference between them.Conclusion: Anaheal Plus significantly reduced pain after root canal treatment compared to the control group.