Widespread use of the semiconductor switching elements of power electronics in energy systems has brought about various power quality problems. One of these significant power quality problems is the harmonics, which occur in power systems. Harmonics are generated predominantly by induction systems, arc furnaces, welding machines, static frequency converters and motor converter drivers. In this study, a power quality analysis is proposed with a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) based Digital Adaptive Notch Filter (ANF) for the 900 KHz Ultra-High Frequency Induction Heating System (UHFIHS), which is widely used in the industry. In this proposed method, firstly the power signal is synchronized with the fundamental frequency using PLL, and then the harmonic frequency components of the signal is obtained by the ANF. Finally, challenging factors behind the harmonic analysis, such as fundamental frequency shifting, spectral leakage and leakage effect are eliminated and thus a precise and reliable power quality analysis is conducted.