[a] 1IntroductionThec ombination of an electrochemical flow cell (EC) coupled online with electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)i sa ne xcellentt ool for mechanistic electrochemical studies and for the identification of the generated short-lived products.I ntroducing EC/ESI-MS over 20 years ago [1],t he development of modernt echniques and instruments has led to analytical methods with increased sensitivity,s peed and accuracy. More recently, an umber of studies have investigated important metabolic oxidation reactions usingEC/ESI-MS [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9].Using electrospraya sam ild ionisation methodt hat generates little or no fragmentation, the non-volatile,p olar, thermally labile and, especially, high molecular weight analytes can be transferredf rom solution into the gas phase for mass analysis.M oreover, no heating of the solvent is required, and aw ider variety of solvents ystems can be used. The coupling facilitates the identification of electrochemically generated products present in smalls amplev olumes and allows the detection of unstable products when short transferc apillaries are used betweent he electrochemical cell and the masss pectrometer. EC/ESI-MS is as uitable tool to investigate the oxidative behaviour of manyr edox active substances, such as flavonoids,t hat possess shortlived oxidationp roducts and intermediates undergoing follow-up reactions in activated states.Flavonols,aclass of flavonoids,a re presenti nf lowers, fruits and vegetables and are jointly responsible for antioxidanta ctivity as free radical acceptors [10][11][12][13].T hey consist of two benzene rings( Aa nd B) linkedb y ap yrane ring (C),w hich is characterisedb yahydroxyl group at the C 3 position and by aC 2 -C 3 doubleb ond in ring C. Thev ariable amounts and positions of hydroxyl groupsi ntheb ackbone result in many possible naturally occurring flavonol aglycones.S elected species are shown in Fig. 1.These substances can be studied by electrochemical methodsa st hey easily undergo oxidation, expressed by their low oxidation potentials.I narecent publication, we compared different flavonols usingc yclic and differential pulse voltammetry.B ased on theoretical and mechanistic considerations,a sw ell as structural properties,w er anked these compounds according to their ease of oxidation [14].EC/ESI-MS offers auniquet ool to verify the species postulated in the previous study. In the EC,t he substances can be nearly completely converted usingalarge working electrode surface area and low flow rates to achieve ah igh conversion efficiency.H owever, theoxidised species should be rapidly transported to the mass spectrometert od etect the short-lived intermediates that are generated, thus minimising the number of signals in the mass spectrum. Low flow ratesl ead to al onger residence time of the substances in the flow cell:t his enables the occurrence of follow-up reactions of the oxidised species, limiting the detection of short-lived intermediates,d espite the high sensitivity of MS.A lthough, an initial i...