Pulmonary actions of the endothellns I edited by R G Goldie, D W P Hay p cm -(Respiratory pharmacology and pharmacotherapy) Includes bibliographical references and Index ISBN 0-8176-5859-9 (hard cover alk paper) -ISBN 3-7643-5859-9 (hard cover alk paper) 1 Endothellns-Physlologlcal effect 2 Endothelins-Pathophysiology 3 Respiratory organs-Pathophysiology 4 Inflamatlon-Medlators 5 Asthma-Pathophysiology I Goldie, R G (Roy G ) II Hay, Douglas W P, 1956-III Series [DNLM 1 Endothellns-pharmacology 2 Lung-drug effects 3 Bronchi-drug effects 4 Muscle, Smooth-drug effects 5 Respiratory Tract Diseases-phYSiopathology QV 150 P981 1999] QP552 E54P85 1999 6162' 407 -dc21 DNLM/DLC for Library of Congress Die Deutsche Blbliothek -CIP-Elnheltsaufnahme 99-11900 CIP Pulmonary actions of the endothelins I ed by F G Goldie, D W P Hay -Basel, Boston, Berlin Blrkhauser, 1999 (Respiratory pharmacology and pharmacotherdpy) ISBN 3-7643-5859-9 (Basel ) ISBN 0-8176-5859-9 (Boston) The publisher and editor can give no guarantee for the information on drug dosage and administration contained In thiS publication The respective user must check Its accuracy by consulting other sources of reference In each Individual case The use of registered names, trademarks, etc In thiS publication, even If not Identified as such, does not Imply that they are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations or free for general use ThiS work IS subject to COPYright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the matenal IS concerned, speCifically the nghts of translation, repnntlng, re-use of illustrations, reCitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or In other ways, and storage In data banks For any kind of use the permission of the COPYright holder must be obtained