Several parameters are monitored on roadways as skid resistance, surface roughness, defects, and bearing capacity. These parameters have classification scales for evaluation, but not yet the noise level. The paper provides partial results of the research project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic CK02000121. Its aim is to determine a classification scale of road surfaces and to develop proposals for a possible noise assessment of surfaces. The paper presents the results of tire/road noise measurements (by CPX method) of real road surfaces in the Czech Republic. CPX method is the most used method for measuring road surface noise according to a survey conducted by CEN. From an acoustic point of view, road surfaces can be divided into 3 basic groups. These are conventional surfaces such as SMA, AC, or EACC, highnoise pavements such as cobblestones, and low-noise pavements such as BBTM or cement concrete treated by burlap drag method.