Background: Nursery rearing of Penaeus vannamei became inevitable in the Indian shrimp farming industry, since intensification of culture practices in grow-out systems caused nitrogenous wastes accumulation, diseases, mortality and premature harvests resulted in high food conversion ratio, lower production and profits. The nursery rearing in traditional water exchange systems often getting failure because of nitrogenous waste accumulation. Hence, the present experiment was planned to rear P. vannamei in bioflocs systems (BFS) with different salinities and carbon sources. Methods: The experiment was conducted in 0.22 m3 tanks with three different salinity groups viz., 35 ppt, 20 ppt and 5 ppt and in each salinity sugar, molasses used as carbon sources to maintain an estimated C/N ratio of 15:1 and controls without carbon sources. Experimental tanks were stocked @6 post larvae/l, with pre-salinity acclimatized P.vannamei seeds having 0.0029±0.0003g size and nursed for a period of 5 weeks. Result: The nitrogenous waste accumulation was reduced significantly (p less than 0.05), also average body weight and survival rate of the seeds showed significant difference (p less than 0.001) between treatments and controls and within treatments (p less than 0.05). Salinity, carbon sources and their interaction influenced the growth characteristics significantly (p less than 0.01). The present experiment manifested promising results of bioflocs nurseries in rearing of P. vannamei seeds at different salinities.