Abstract. Reactive oxides of nitrogen are critical catalysts that can limit the formation rates of tropospheric oxidants. As a result, they control the efficiency with which the troposphere cleanses itself of the many natural and artificial compounds that would otherwise reach toxic levels. They play a pivotal role in the troposphere's capacity to generate 03 via photochemical processes. Even at concentrations of a few parts per trillion by volume, as are typically seen in the remote tropical Pacific and Arctic/Antarctic regions, reactive nitrogen oxides lead to ozone formation at rates estimated to be several times larger than the influx of ozone from the stratosphere. Reflecting its multilevel importance in our evolving chemical environment, significant effort has been expended toward defining the factors that control the global distribution of reactive nitrogen oxides. Developing this understanding, however, has not been a simple task. The chemical reactivities that are inherently associated with these compounds allow them to undergo transformations on timescales that range from minutes to months. In addition, a wide variety of sources exist for this family. Some of these are near the Earth's surface (e.g., by-products of emissions from fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning, and nitrification/denitrification of soils), whereas others are within the troposphere itself (i.e., lightning, emissions from subsonic aircraft, stratospheric intrusions, and the oxidation of reduced nitrogen compounds). As a result, large temporal and regional variations can be expected and in fact are found from this array of sources. The variations are dependent on factors ranging from the effects of soil moisture on microbial activity to the convective potential of cumulus clouds. Recent airborne field measurement campaigns have made significant progress toward unraveling many of the NOx distribution controlling factors, particularly as they relate to the remote troposphere. This review concentrates on the progress that has been made during [Logan, 1983]. Because the lifetime of NO x is substantially shorter than other 03 precursors such as CO and some hydrocarbons, NOx is often the rate-limiting precursor for ozone formation throughout most of the troposphere [Liu et al., 1980[Liu et al., , 1987. In other words, photochemical production of ozone is usually proportional to the abundance of NOx. As a result, emissions of NOx can often lead to significant increases in tropospheric ozone.NOx also plays an important role in tropospheric photochemical processes by directly and indirectly regulating the concentration of the hydroxyl radical (OH), a major oxidant for many atmospheric trace gases. By controlling the abundance of tropospheric 03 and OH, reactive nitrogen also has a significant influence on the overall oxidative capacity of the troposphere and therefore on the troposphere's ability to cleanse itself of many potentially toxic compounds of geologic, anthropogenic, and biogenic origin (e.g., carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxid...