20This article describes Bacillus anthracis strains isolated during an outbreak of anthrax on 21 the Yamal Peninsula in the summer of 2016 and independently in Yakutia in 2015. A common 22 feature of these strains is their conservation in permafrost, from which they were extracted either 23 due to the thawing of permafrost (Yamal strains) or as the result of paleontological excavations 24 (Yakut strains). All strains isolated on the Yamal share an identical genotype belonging to lineage 2 25 B.Br.001/002, pointing to a common source of infection in a territory over 250 km in length. In 26 contrast, during the excavations in Yakutia, three genetically different strains were recovered from 27 a single pit. One strain belongs to B.Br.001/002, as the Yamal strains. Despite the remoteness of 28 Yamal from Yakutia, whole genome sequence analysis showed that the B.Br.001/002 strains are 29 very closely related. The two other strains contribute to two different branches of A.Br.008/011, 30 one of the remarkable polytomies described so far in B. anthracis population. The geographic 31 distribution of the strains belonging to this polytomy is suggesting that this polytomy emerged in 32 the thirteenth century, in combination with the constitution of a unified Mongol empire extending 33 from China to Eastern Europe. We propose an evolutionary model for B. anthracis recent evolution 34 in which the B lineage spread throughout Eurasia and was subsequently replaced by the A lineage 35 except in some geographically isolated areas.36