In accordance with the approved order of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom dated May 24, 2018 No. 1-1/366-r “Strategy for the development of nuclear power until 2050 and the outlook for the period up to 2100”, the transition to a two-component structure of nuclear power in Russia is a key area of its technological development. The structure of a two-component nuclear power system (hereinafter NES) can include various elements, the search for the optimal combination of which in development is a multi-parameter problem. The relevance of determining the appearance and structure of a two-component NES is that it is designed to ensure sustainable, cost-effective electricity production in the face of growing global restrictions on natural resources of fossil fuel and environmentally harmful emissions, while meeting the requirements of nuclear, radiation safety and nuclear non-proliferation, as well as to realize the potential increasing the commercial attractiveness of the nuclear industry through the provision of services in the field of nuclear fuel cycle. The article presents the results of computational and analytical studies to substantiate the creation of a two-component NES and recommendations for choosing the structure of a two-component NES with optimal technical and economic indicators, taking into account the export potential. To select the optimal scenario for the development of a nuclear power plant, a multi-criteria analysis of the simulation results with a given set of system criteria was carried out.