The aim of this paper is to propose new expressions for fundamental period of reinforced concrete buildings which takes into account of soil foundation and structure interaction SFSI effects and its variation of 215 existing buildings located in the USA, Europe and Asia. Diagrams representing empirical relationship between fundamental period-height in most recent research and building codes. No difference was observed in the value of period T as a result of degradation of the soil bearing capacity in this ranges. It is incorrect to present a single equation or a single diagram for different geotechnical conditions. To evaluate SFSI effects, simplified SFSI modal described in this work using on Van nuys building-VN7SH and are compared with those obtained by different authors. In order to developed a simplifieds equations for estimating fundamental periods of vibration for 03 geomorphological sites, 40 existing buildings recorded over a period of 24 years located in the sites of California are utilized, that encompass a wide range of structural and geotechnical conditions. On the other hand,175 more buildings used from Europe and Asia exposed to earthquake actions were examined to evaluate the accuracy of the relationship.A collective examination of the empirical, measured and procedures show that the fundamental period is fonction of to the building overall height H estimated on empirical formulas provided by earthquake design codes used for buildings under SFSI conditions effects under certain circumstances, underestimate the real response of the structures.
The results reveal the effects of SFSI due to an earthquake recorded motion on the response of buildings depends mainly on the soil mass amplification, as well as secondary influences from type, shape and inertia of foundation.