In the present work a mixed finite element based on a least-squares formulation is proposed. In detail, the provided constitutive relation is based on a hyperelastic free energy including terms describing a transversely isotropic material behavior. Basis for the element formulation is a weak form resulting from a least-squares method, see e.g. [1]. The L2-norm minimization of the residuals of the given first-order system of differential equations leads to a functional depending on displacements and stresses. The interpolation of the unknowns is executed using different approximation spaces for the stresses (W q (div, Ω)) and the displacements (W 1,p (Ω)), under consideration of suitable p and q . For the approximation of the stresses vector-valued shape functions of Raviart-Thomas type, related to the edges of the respective triangular element, are applied. Standard interpolation polynomials are used for the continuous approximation of the displacements. The performance of the proposed formulation will be investigated considering a numerical example.