Two surgical models of intestinal transplantation in the rat are described. One is the implantation of fetal and newborn intestine as free grafts into the omentum of adult recipients, the other the adult intestine transplantation as an accessory graft using vascular anastomoses. A hundred and sixteen smallbowel transplantations were done; 36 of which were fetal intestine (group I), 40 of newborn intestine (group II), and 40 of adult intestine (group III). In the fetal and newborn intestinal transplantation, we emphasize the practices that allowed us to avoid ischemic and traumatic injury to the graft. In the adult intestine transplantation with vascular anastomoses, we heighten the modifications in the surgical technique that made the operation easier and the strategies used to prevent hypothermia and hypovolemic shock. Once experienced with the two chosen surgical techniques, transplantation using an avascular segment became much easier and quicker than transplantation with vascular anastomoses.Os autores descrevem dois modelos cirú rgicos de transplantaçã o intestinal no rato. Um corresponde à implantação de intestino de feto e de intestino de recé m-nascido, como enxertos livres, no epíploon de receptores adultos, e o outro corresponde à transplantaçã o de intestino de adulto, como enxerto acessório, usando anastomoses vasculares. Fizémos 116 transplantaçõ es intestinais: 36 de intestino fetal (grupo I), 40 de intestino de recé m-nascido (grupo II) e 40 de intestino de adulto (grupo III). Realçá mos os mé todos utilizados para evitar a isqué mia e a lesã o traumá tica do enxerto, nas transplantaçõ es de intestino de feto e de recé m-nascido. Na transplantaçã o de intestino de adulto com anastomoses vasculares, enfatizá mos as modificações na té cnica cirú rgica, que facilitaram a operaçã o, e as estraté gias usadas para evitar a hipotermia e o choque hipovolé mico. Apó s a familiarizaçã o com os dois modelos cirú rgicos, a transplantação intestinal como enxerto avascular revelou-se de execução mais simples e mais rá pida do que a transplantaçã o intestinal com realizaçã o de anastomoses vasculares.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
MICROSURGERY 18:424-429 1998Nowadays, the laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) is one of the most popular models for intestinal transplantation. Its use started with Monchick and Russell's work 1,2 in the 1970s, in which they applied the surgical techniques with vascular anastomoses, previously developed in bigger models by other investigators. 3,4 The intestinal transplantation technique varies according to the kind of graft and the investigation. While studying immunogenicity of fetal, newborn, and adult jejunal allografts in the rat, the authors used two methods of small-bowel transplantation. Fetal and newborn grafts were implanted as an avascular segment into the omentum of adult recipients. Adult allograft was transplanted to an adult recipient as a heterotopic accessory graft using aorta-aorta and porto-caval anastomoses. 5 The aim of this study is to review the intestinal transplantatio...