Following the Animal genetic resource for food and agriculture (AnGR) is considered as an independent resource for the possessing country, ensuring the sovereignty of AnGR is important. The present study investigated the growth and egg production performance of six breed enrolled in DAD-IS for the purpose of securing scientific data on AnGR in Korea. A total of 323 chickens (female 181, male 142) were used in this study, with the following six breeds: Korean Leghorn (LEG), Gyeongbuk Araucana (ARA), Korean native chicken (KNC), Korean Ogye (Ogye), Hyunindak (HIL), Heongseongyakdak (HYD). The body weight of male ARA from hatching to 32 weeks of age was the highest among the breeds, and LEG and Ogye were relatively lower (P<0.0001, excluded body weight data of HYD). The body weight of female ARA was the highest and HYD was significantly the lowest among the female chicken breeds (P<0.0001). The laying percentage was the highest in LEG and was the lowest in HYD among the breeds (P<0.0001). The average egg weight from 20 to 40 weeks of age was the highest in ARA, followed by LEG and was the lowest in Ogye (P<0.0001), and the adapted breed including LEG and ARA was higher than indigenous breed (P<0.05). Egg mass production was the highest in Korean Leghorn. Collectively, these results show that ARA has the best growth ability, and LEG has the best egg production performance among the used breeds. This suggests that the adapted breed with high commercial performance is important AnGR in Korea.