Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the causes of paralysis for elderly patients in developing countries. The non pharmacological and non invasive therapies used were high intensity laser therapy (HILT) and ultrasound diathermy (USD). Both generate heat to reduce pain in knee OA. This literature review aims to compare the effectiveness of HILT and USD in reducing pain intensity in knee OA patients. Literature review analysis was carried out from several medical journal databases, namely: Google Scholar, PubMed-NCBI, ProQuest and Science Direct. The journals listed are English language journals for the period 2011-2021. There are 8 journals used in the literature review. The results showed that HILT and USD were effective in reducing pain in knee OA patients. Two journals showed that HILT was more effective than LLLT. Two other journals show LLLT is more effective than USD. HILT and LLLT include laser therapy with the same therapeutic principle so that they can guarantee that HILT is more effective than USD. Keywords: effect, high intensity laser therapy, ultrasound diathermy, pain, knee osteoarthritis Abstrak: Osteoartritis (OA) lutut merupakan salah satu penyebab kelumpuhan bagi penderita usia lanjut di negara berkembang. Terapi non farmakologi dan non invasif yang digunakan yaitu high intensity laser therapy (HILT) dan ultrasound diathermy (USD). Keduanya menghasilkan panas untuk menurunkan nyeri pada OA lutut. Literature review ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas HILT dan USD dalam penurunan intensitas nyeri pada pasien OA lutut. Analisis literatur review dilakukan dari beberapa database jurnal kedokteran, yaitu: Google Scholar, PubMed-NCBI, ProQuest dan Science Direct. Jurnal yang dicantumkan adalah jurnal berbahasa Inggris dalam periode tahun 2011-2021. Terdapat 8 jurnal yang digunakan dalam literature review. Hasil ditemukan bahwa HILT dan USD efektif dalam menurunkan rasa nyeri pada pasien OA lutut. Dua jurnal menunjukkan HILT lebih efektif dibandingkan LLLT. Dua jurnal lain menunjukkan LLLT lebih efektif dibandingkan USD. HILT dan LLLT termasuk terapi laser dengan prinsip terapi sama sehingga dapat disimpulkan HILT lebih efektif dibandingkan USD. Kata-kata kunci: effect, high intensity laser therapy, ultrasound diathermy, pain, knee osteoarthritis